Being Shaped by Gaia

Amba Casturi O'Hara
2 min readJun 14, 2021


Sometimes I forget that Gaia is my home. These are the days when the man-made destruction wraps itself around me like a huge dark cloud. Isn’t it all just too crazy here?

Then I wonder if maybe I’ve landed on the wrong planet. Faintness paralyzes me. Strangeness creeps through my body like a virus. As if I am separated from life. Is it worth the effort for a better world? Out of this felt separateness: No! The facts are too harsh. If I orient myself to them and the system-loyal captivity of the decision-makers, I get dizzy. And it makes me deeply sad.

When man-made wars and destructions take over in my being, sometimes the switch flips and I forget that Gaia, this huge ancient organism Earth, is my home. Gaia carries billions of years of evolution, ice ages, sulfur storms and oxygen explosions. Life keeps emerging in its colorful forms — an artist creating a new masterpiece from the material at hand. This life is our origin and carries so much more intelligence and creative power than staging senseless wars and destroying nature.

When I feel this sadness, I know it is time to open up to Gaia and dive into this ancient connection with life. Then concepts and drivenness dissolve — man-made constructs that will not be able to sustain themselves in the long run.

When I sit on the forest floor and surrender to this vast Being, it feels like the cells within me are realigning. My system plumbs in. Then answers emerge to questions I have carried with me for days. Connections become clear. The rhythm for a project becomes perceptible again. Gaia is my mentor. And she tells me different things than the newspapers.

What would the world look like if millions of people lived out of this deep connection with Gaia? What projects emerge from conscious collaboration with her? What are the solutions we discover when Gaia speaks through us?

Our rational mind is not the tool for answering these questions. For such exploration an energetic and emotional approach is needed. And we can learn again what seems so normal for indigenous tribes.





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