When Forces of Nature talk

Amba Casturi O'Hara
4 min readFeb 19, 2021


When I arrived at the beach, the moon was just in front of me, a huge beautiful silver orb above the dark horizon of the Pacific Ocean. My friends were not there yet — only the Ocean, the Moon, the Earth and me. I sat down and the Moon flooded my being in such a way that there was no longer any difference between her and me. I felt the Ocean pulsing through my veins and its waves beating with my heart. I fell into a deep and silent ecstasy.

A few hours later, this intense union came to its conclusion and then my friends appeared. Magical timing. They sensed that something extraordinary had happened. No words were necessary. We sat together in the presence of these forces of nature.

That night I was initiated into a connectedness that I had not experienced before. My whole being expanded. I was flooded with archetypal forces of Nature and they filled me with ecstatic aliveness. No thoughts restricted the pulse of this pure life energy.

This experience changed my life. The concept of a separate world, where Nature is something distinct from me, dissolved. That night on the beach, the moon and the ocean taught me that there is no “outside.”

How can such an experience be translated into Modern Culture, where concepts limit the grandeur of life and separate us from the most delicious possibilities? What if such intense connectedness becomes more important than status or efficiency?

The experience on the beach opened a door and it stayed open. Often when I go into the woods, I carry a question or a feeling with me, sit with the trees and ask for advice. Most often I get an answer- in the form of clarity, inspiration, or a surprising new possibility for a next step.The work is not done with that. The following day, new questions arise- and then I go back to the forest. This is not a hobby, but part of my everyday life.

Nature has mastered creating something new out of the current circumstances. Nature is not waiting. She just goes on adapting and reinventing and has been doing so for Billions of years bringing out the most amazing creatures.

I want Nature and her amazing intelligence to be included in environmental discussions. I want people to experience this expanding connection. Why are we stuck in concepts when Nature around us is producing solutions everywhere? When do we use this infinite Intelligence for the great challenges of our time?

From that moment, when the forces of Nature touched my being, my life became more intense. The problems did not become less — they changed. As I opened myself to the realm of unknown possibilities, I began to feel my prison of limiting Modern Culture and its rational concepts about life. Feeling this pain and destruction done to Nature was deeply disturbing — and not knowing the solutions was often terrifying. But can we really find solutions within a culture based on exploiting Nature?

My answer is a clear No. In our thinking and concepts we have moved so far from being connected to Nature that we don’t feel the pain any longer being done to her and ourselves. We hide behind rational ideas and have lost the ability to listen to our instincts.

The solutions are more basic. More earthy. More physical. The real solutions will emerge from aligning with Nature the way we live and take decisions. Embracing the moments of not knowing and holding space for the right timing. We don’t need more speed because there is no goal to reach. Or does anybody know where we are heading to?

Letting go of the predominance of my born-into-culture caused me anger, dispair, fear and sadness. It took me a while to work myself through this jungele of assumptions and recognizing the lies of it’s promises. My deep emotions kept me on track and didn’t let me rest. The pain being done to Nature was too big for me and I had lost hope that this culture is producing any real changes.

Such transformative processes are not part of Modern Culture — and that is one of the reasons why we still have discussions whether we accept food produced with pesticides knowing that it causes cancer and kills Billions of life sustaining bacterias in the soil.

A culture without the capacity of adapting to a changing environment will ultimately eliminate itself. Nature is the key to our emotions. Nature is connection and ecstasy, producing solutions all the time. Emotions allow us to see beyond of what we believe to be right.

That’s why I invite people to connect with Gaia. When we have the courage to feel beyond our concepts, we can open the gate for an intimate relationship with Nature and ultimatly to start collaborating with her.

I deeply want people taking space and time to feel this amazing abundance.





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